Senoren Net Zero Event on September 22 – 23 PROGRAM
Click here to download the Net Zero Event Program Senoren Net Zero Event_21-23 September
Senoren Net Zero Event on September 22 – 23 PROGRAM Läs mer »
Click here to download the Net Zero Event Program Senoren Net Zero Event_21-23 September
Senoren Net Zero Event on September 22 – 23 PROGRAM Läs mer »
Click here to download the Net Zero Event Program Senoren Net Zero Event_21-23 September From CEO Loïc Viret we will learn how Studer managed to make the most reliable smart on-grid/off-grid inverter in the world and where the market for such a smart product is going: the Studer Next3. From INNOVENTUM, you
The Green Cities of Tomorrow event in May was a success with representatives from Malmö City (Miljöforvaltningen), EV manufacturers (Volkswagen, Nissan), interest organisations (GreenCharge Sydost, Scandinavian Green Roof Institute), construction consulting companies (Ramboll, Skanska), business facilitators (Invest in Skåne) and our partner companies (Krinner, ChargeStorm, Byggros) supporting us. Read about the event and the InnoVentum
InnoVentum attended the United Nations Procurement Seminar at the UN City, Copenhagen. We were privileged to present our innovative solutions on stage and show our material at our own booth!
InnoVentum attends United Nations Procurement Seminar 2014 Läs mer »
WAVE – World Advanced Vehicle Expedition – is one of the largest EV-events in the world that has established the world record in Stuttgart with 507 e-cars taking part in the parade. Read more about the trophy here and follow the progress of InnoVentum/RS-Energietechnik team here.
The visitors of China Import Expo in Kunshan had the chance to learn about the InnoVentum products! InnoVentum was hard to miss: a giant 4×12 m poster greeted visitors at the entrance.
If you are enjoying sunny days at the French Riviera, you are welcome to visit our Beetle S installation at the garden fair “Rencontre de Jardins”. This fair has become a significant event in the field of gardening, landscape and eco design.
InnoVentum products have just been presented at an exhibition in Verona. Here are some photos from the event.
We have put together links to all events we run or participate in, as well as to various platforms and listings: Events & Listings